An Arangetram is the first formal dance presentation of a student to the audience portryaing the great tradition of passing on the knowledge from the Guru to the student. To attain this level, a student has to master several aspects of Bharatanatyam which takes years of dedicated training. However, this performance is only a stepping-stone in the study of this art form. After an arangetram, the student continues to pursue the next level in their study of dance. On the day of the Arangetram, the student offers their knowledge of this art form at the feet of her Guru; and to Lord Shiva, the lord of dance. On this auspicious day, the artist ascends the stage with high hopes to display her talent while growing closer to God.
An arangetram is performed once the students finishes at least one 'Margam', a traditional series of dances prescribed in the dance study curriculum. 'Margam' includes pieces like Pushpanjai, Alarippu, Jathiswaram, Shabdam, Varnam, Padam, Kirthanams, Ashtapadi, Thillana and Mangalam.

Advika Sonti
Arangetram Year: 2019

Aarohi Bhowmik
Arangetram Year: 2019

Sonal Gupta
Arangetram Year: 2019

Deepta Ganesh
Arangetram Year: 2019

Yashvi Gupta
Arangetram Year: 2019

Nikhita Athipathy
Arangetram Year: 2019

Shreya Sriram
Arangetram Year: 2019

Vidya Ramalingam
Arangetram Year: 2019

Sruthi Takillapati
Arangetram Year: 2018

Rebha Raviraj
Arangetram Year: 2018

Uthra Mani
Arangetram Year: 2018

Kavya Mani
Arangetram Year: 2018

Shivali Mani
Arangetram Year: 2018

Nivedhya Cheruvari
Arangetram Year: 2018

Anjali Anilkumar
Arangetram Year: 2018

Madhumita Nambiar
Arangetram Year: 2016

Ilakya Senthilkumar
Arangetram Year: 2016

Sanjana Rao
Arangetram Year: 2015

Rinija Raja
Arangetram Year: 2015

Varshini Athipathy
Arangetram Year: 2014

Nilanjana Nambiar
Arangetram Year: 2013

Anjana Shenoy
Arangetram Year: 2013

Aishwarrya Nambi
Arangetram Year: 2013

Mahima Cielappa
Arangetram Year: 2012

Raashika Goyal
Arangetram Year: 2012

Puja Sharma
Arangetram Year: 2012

Deeksha Sarin
Arangetram Year: 2012

Saumita Rajeevan
Arangetram Year: 2010

Niveda Baskaran
Arangetram Year: 2009

Meenu Rajendraprasad
Arangetram Year: 2009